- December 2020: Our IPEC 2020 paper has just appeared in LIPICS. In a couple of days one of our coauthors, Young-San Lin from Purdue University, will present the paper at the online joint IPEC & ISAAC conference. Check out the video associated to his presentation.
- September 2020: A paper of ours has just been accepted at IPEC.
- August 2020: Here is our paper, The Maximum Binary Tree Problem, that has just appeared in the proceedings of ESA’2020. Please also note the following video of the paper (the talk is given by one of our coauthors, Young-San Lin from Purdue University):
- June 2020: A paper of ours has appeared in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. And another paper of ours has been accepted to ESA’2020.
- May 2020: Members of our group participate in the AAMAS’2020 conference, held virtually. Here is our conference video and paper, as published in the proceedings.
- June 2018: Mircea was an invited speaker at FROM 2018.
- May 2018: Gabi had a paper accepted to the proceedings of ACA’2018. Also, the journal version of the ICALP’2015 paper has appeared in Information and Computation.
- April 2018: Our paper has been accepted to the proceedings of MCU’2018. Also, Gabi will serve as a member of the Program Committee of SOFSEM 2019.
- February 2018:
A new manuscript is out. Gabi’s and Adi’s journal version of the ICALP 2015 paper has appeared (ahead of print) in Information and Computation. - November 2017:
- Congratulations to Mircea for (successfully) defending his Habilitation. This month Gabi is traveling to Szeged, to SWORDS 2017 workshop.
- October 2017:
Please consider submitting papers to the following conferences (whose Program Committees include Gabi): FOIKS 2018 (Budapest, Hungary) and MCU 2018 (Fontainebleau, France) - September 2017:
Mircea has a new paper accepted for the Proceedings of LSFA 2017. Also SYNASC 2017 took place in our department. - July 2017:
Gabi has just won a national PCE-IDEI grant.
- June 2017:
We have a newpaperpreprint coming out, “Computing a minimal partition of partial orders into heapable subsets”., written by two of us (Gabi, Cosmin), a masters student (Diana Diniș) together with Janos Balogh from the University of Szeged. It is not yet in final form, but a fisrt-version draft is available. Gabi is visiting Ioan Todincă at LIFO, Université d’Orleans, on an Erasmus+ grant.
- April 2017:
We are organizing DACS 2017 as a satellite workshop to SYNASC ! - October 2016:
Lots of things to report. SYNASC took place (again) at the end of September. Gabi’s ICALP 2015 paper was accepted to the special ICALP issue of Information and Computation. He ventured (again) in the territory of Statistical Physics of Complex Systems, with a paper co-authored with Babes-Bolyai University’s Zoltan Néda and several members of his research group, accepted to Physica A. - July 2016: In the months passed since the last update, Gabi was an invited speaker at DCFS’2016 (invited paper here), a participant to the Sankt Petersburg Semester on Proof Complexity and ECCO’2016. The group is currently busy refereeing papers for SYNASC.
- March 2016: Gabi is busy organizing two workshops: DACS’2016, and the Computer Science Workshop at Diaspora Ştiinţifică.
- January 2016: A Happy New Year to all of you ! We are starting the new year on a strong note: Mircea’s paper A Rewrite-based Computational Model for Functional Logic Programming has been accepted to SCSS 2016, Seventh International Symposium on Symbolic Computation in Software Science.
- December 2015: Paper The Minimum Entropy Submodular Set Cover Problem coauthored by Gabi and Cosmin was accepted to the 10-th International Conference on Language and Automata Technology and Applications (LATA’2016). On the other hand Mircea has submitted a new paper for publication.
- November 2015: The first edition of the Timişoara-Szeged Theory Seminar took place at West University of Timişoara on November 26. A detailed schedule
is available. - October 2015: Gabi will be an invited speaker at the 18th International Workshop on the Descriptive Complexity of Formal Systems (DCFS’2016)
- October 2017:
September 2015:
Back to work: SYNASC 2015 took place this month.
July 2015:
This month we are busy with running the refereeing process for AITC 2015, the theory track of SYNASC 2015.
June 2015:
Gabi has (successfully) defended his habilitation thesis. A picture from his defense:
April 2015:
Mircea’s FLOPS 2014 paper has appeared online in the special issue (dedicated to the conference) of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming. On the other hand, paper Short proofs of the Kneser-Lovasz principle, coauthored by Gabi and Adi and submitted to ICALP 2015, has been accepted. Furthermore, we received an invitation (accepted) to submit the full version to a special issue dedicated to ICALP’2015 of Information and Computation.
March 2015:
Our submission to CPM 2015 has been accepted.
February 2015:
First, Mircea’s paper Regular expression order-sorted unification and matching has appeared in Journal of Symbolic Computation. Gabi’s paper Reachability and Recurrence in a Modular Generalization of Annihilating Random Walks (and lights-out games) to hypergraphs has been accepted (and has appeared online) in Theoretical Computer Science.Second, three new preprints have been submitted for publication:The first one is called “Short proofs of the Kneser-Lovász Coloring Principle“, and is written by Gabi and Adi, together with with James Aisenberg, Sam Buss and Maria Luisa Bonet. It is a submission to ICALP’2015.The second one (written by Gabi and Cosmin) is called “Partition into heapable sequences, heap tableaux and a multiset extension of Hammersley’s process“. It is a submission to CPM’2015. And now for something completely different, we’ve submitted a pure math paper called Two notes on generalized Darboux properties and related features of additive functions to a special issue dedicated to Professor Solomon Marcus‘s 90th birthday.
January 2015:
A Happy New Year to all of you. Our submission to the SACS special issue dedicated to Professor Rudeanu’s 80th birthday has been accepted. The published version is here.
December 2014:
The final version of our ICTAC paper has appeared in a special issue (devoted to ICTAC) of Scientific Annals of Computer Science.
Some upcoming events we are involved in (as members of the PC): Second Theory Day in Computer Science (a satelite workshop of CIE’2015; first edition took place in 2014) and Machines, Computation and Universality (MCU’2015). Stay tuned.
November 2014:
Cosmin and Gabriel submitted a paper to AAMAS’15. Also Gabriel submitted a paper to Scientific Annals of Computer Science, a special issue dedicated to Sergiu Rudeanu
October 2014:
Two trips this month: Szeged, where SWORDS 2014 takes place, and Bucharest, at the ACM-ICPC programming contest.
September 2014:
These days we travel to Bucharest: Mircea is presenting a paper at ICTAC. Gabriel is giving an invited tutorial at DACS. And, of course, SYNASC is coming later this month.
July 2014:
As usual, we’re involved with the theory track at SYNASC. Also, two of us participate to Vienna Summer of Logic.
June 2014:
June surely was a busy month !
Gabriel Istrate was an Erasmus visitor to the group of Mario Peréz-Jiménez at Universidad de Sevilla. Mircea Marin visited Johannes Kepler University in Linz.
Paper “Regular Expression Order-Sorted Unification and Matching“, co-authored by Mircea Marin, has been accepted for publication in Journal of Symbolic Computation.
Paper “Learning cover context-free grammars from structural data“, co-authored by two of us, has been accepted to ICTAC 2014.
Finally our paper “Interactive Particle Systems and Random Walks on Hypergraphs” was accepted for presentation at DCM 2014, the 10th International Workshop on Developments in Computational Models, part of the Vienna Summer of Logic.
May 2014:
One of us participating in a Dagstuhl seminar on Horn satisfiability. We submitted an extended abstract to another workshop part of the Vienna Summer of Logic.
April 2014:
Two of us submitted a new paper, “Learning cover context-free grammars from structural data“, to ICTAC 2014.
March 2014:
Our recent paper “Proof Complexity and the Kneser-Lovász Theorem” has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2014), part of Federated Logic Conference/Vienna Summer of Logic.
February 2014:
Paper “Constraint Logic Programming for Hedges: A Semantic Reconstruction“, coauthored by group member Mircea Marin has been accepted to FLOPS 2014, Twelfth International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming.
For the second year in a row IDEI grants (including ours) had their annual budget cut to approximately 50% of the originally planned amount (to be fair, the total amount of money granted will be identical to the original promise – just given in four years, rather than three). Still, we feel lucky to be funded at all
On a positive note, we started collaborating with Mădălina Erașcu (back in Timișoara from Linz) and Isabela Drămnesc.
January 2014://span>
Submitted new paper, “Proof Complexity and the Kneser-Lovász Theorem (I). Another paper
was accepted tohas appeared in Information Processing Letters. -
October 2013:
Gabriel Istrate presented joint work with Adrian Crăciun at the COST final meeting in Madrid.
September 2013:
Gabriel Istrate visited University of Belgrade via a COST grant.
April 2013:
All IDEI grants (including ours) have their budget (for this year) cut by the current government to 45% of their projected value.
November 2012:
Gabriel Istrate participated to KOLKOM 2012.
September 2012:
A paper (co)authored by one of us, Adversarial Scheduling in Discrete Models of Social Dynamics just appeared in Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
Gabriel Istrate will participate with a poster (based on his recent work with Cosmin Bonchis) in the European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS’2012)
July 2012:
Two new papers: Cosmin Bonchiş, Gabriel Istrate “A Parametric Worst-Case Approach to Fairness in TU-Cooperative Games ” and “Improved Approximation Algorithms for Low-Density Instances of the Minimum Entropy Set Cover Problem” were submitted (and posted on the arXiv)
July 2012:
Two of us participated in the Summer School on Algorithmic Game Theory
January 2012:
Gabriel Istrate and Cosmin Bonchiş have completed a new paper “Minimum Entropy Submodular Optimization and Fairness in Cooperative Games“
October 2011:
Gabriel Istrate has won a CNCS PN II-IDEI Grant. Starting Day: May 1st.