DACS 2017, the fourth workshop on Days in Computer Science

The long-term goal of this workshop-series is to build a solid and modern Theoretical Computer Science research community in Romania, closely connected to the current global research trends. Generally, our workshop aims also to attract participants from Romania and abroad, helping to establish international collaboration between researchers working on common topics.The previous editions were

This year DACS 2017 takes place for the first time outside of Bucharest, as a satellite workshop of SYNASC 2017.

Workshop deadlines

+ Submission of papers: July 1, 2017
+ Notification of acceptance:   August 15, 2017
+ Registration: September 4, 2017
+ Final paper: September 4, 2017
+ Revised papers for post-proceedings: November, 2017

Workshop chairs

+Denisa Diaconescu, University of Bucharest, Romania.

+ Gabriel Istrate, West University of Timisoara, Romania

+ Florin Manea, Kiel University, Kiel, Germany

Workshop description

The program of DACS 2017 will host both a series of contributed talks on the topics of the workshop (see below), as well as a tutorial and a series of invited talks given by remarkable researchers (selected by the Program Committee), surveying recent relevant results in the same areas.


For DACS 2017 we welcome submissions presenting original research results on the topics of the workshop. Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:

  • Algorithms and data structures
  • Computability and computational complexity
  • Knowledge representation, reasoning and logic
  • Formal verification
  • Data and text mining
  • Reasoning under uncertainty
  • Algebraic specification
  • Formal languages and automata theory
  • Machine learning
  • Cryptography
  • Combinatorics and algorithmics on words
  • Non-classical and graded logics
  • Natural language and speech automatic processing
  • Computational biology, bioinformatics and bio‐inspired computing

Submissions on related topics are welcome.

Paper submission

We invite submissions in the form of:

+ research papers,
+ extended abstracts

Papers of up to 8 pages (in CPS Conference Style) should be electronically submitted through EasyChair. Proofs omitted due to space constraints may be put into an appendix, to be read by the reviewers at their discretion.

Research papers must contain original research results not submitted and not published elsewhere. Authors which want to present work in progress are welcome to submit an extended abstract (up to 4 pages). Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their scientific merit and relevance to the Workshop topics.


The papers accepted for presentation will be included in a locally edited proceedings (electronic version on a memory stick). Accepted research papers should be presented at the conference. Contributed papers are eligible to be selected for publication in the post-proceedings of SYNASC 2017, published by Conference Publishing Services in the IEEE Digital Library.


The registration fee is (tentatively set to) 50 Euro. You may choose to register instead for SYNASC, and have access to all benefits of the main conference (including DACS).  Please note that publication in SYNASC proceedings incurs a publication fee charged by I.E.E.E. This fee (100 Euros) is included in the SYNASC registration, but not in DACS registration.

Program committee

+Dietmar Berwanger (Cachan)

+ Stefan Ciobâcă (Iași)

+ Denisa Diaconescu (Bucharest)

+ Gabriel Istrate (Timișoara)

+ Florin Manea (Kiel)

+ Marius Zimand (Towson)

others TBA.