We are a small group of researchers associated with the Mathematics and Computer Science Department of the West University of Timişoara and the e-Austria Research Institute. We are interested in Theoretical Computer Science at large, with a special focus on:

  • algorithms: classical, approximation, probabilistic
  • game theory (mostly of multiagent systems on networks)
  • combinatorial models of complex systems
  • logic and its connection with symbolic computation and computational complexity
  • automated theorem proving (yes, we know it’s not really Theoretical Computer Science :))
  • formal languages and its relation with XML processing

A list of venues that have recently accepted/published our papers includes conferences such as AAMAS, ICALP, FSCD, ESA, SAT, IPEC, CPM, SFLP, ICTAC, SCSC, MCU, LATA, WRLA, DCFS, ACRI, AMINSE, FROM, and journals such as Journal of Symbolic Computation, Information and Computation, Theoretical Computer Science, Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science,  The Journal of Supercomputing, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Information Processing Letters, Physica A.

In the past ten years we have coauthored papers with people affiliated with institutions from Austria, Brasil, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Portugal, Spain, United States and, of course, Romania. The list of our coauthors includes:

James Aisenberg, Mauricio Ayala-Rincón, Andrada Băban, Janos Balogh, Alin Brândușescu, Maria-Luisa Bonet, Samuel Buss, Carlos Camino, Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran, Larissa Davidova, Volker Diekert, Diana Diniș, Besik Dundua, Mario Florido, Claudiu Gatina, Elena Grigorescu, Tetsuo Ida, Eva Kaslik, Shubhang Kulkarni, Temur Kutsia, Young-San Lin, Madhav V. Marathe, Mohamed Najim, Zoltan Neda, Cleopatra Pau, S.S. Ravi, Vlad Rochian, Florin Roșu, Géraud Sénizergues, Georgiana Șurlea, Ioan Todinca, Flavius Turcu, Szerena Ujvari, Minshen  Zhu.

To all of them our warmest thanks.

LATEST NEWS (earlier news)

  • Gabriel Istrate has moved to University of Bucharest, as of October 1st 2022. His new webpage can be found here.


Useful pages of local interest: