Cosmin Bonchis
- Birth place and date: Arad, 1980
- Education:
- high studies: Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, West University of Timisoara, 1998 – 2002
- master: LaBRi, University of Bordeaux 1 Science and Technology, France, 2002 – 2003
- Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, West University of Timisoara, 2002 – 2004
- PhD: West University of Timisoara, Arithmetics and Information Theory in Membrane Computing, 2004 – 2009, prof.dr Ștefan Mărușter (co-advisor prof.dr Gabriel Ciobanu)
- Scholarships, postdoc stages: E-Austria Research Institute, PostDoc 2010-2012
- Positions:
- Lecturer, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, West University of Timisoara, 2010 – present
Researcher, E-Austria Research Institute, 2004 – present
- Research areas: Theoretical computer science research: Information Theory, Optimisation Algorithms, Membrane computing, Data compression, Combinatorics
- Main results:
- Partition into heapable sequences, heap tableaux and a multiset extension of Hammersley’s process
- Minimum Entropy Submodular Set Cover Problem
- Information theory over multisets
- Representative articles:
- Gabriel Istrate, Cosmin Bonchis, Heapability, Interactive Particle Systems, Partial Orders: Results and Open Problems, Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9777, pp. 18-28. Springer Verlag, 2016.
- G. Istrate, C. Bonchiș, L.P. Dinu, The Minimum Entropy Submodular Set Cover Problem, Language and Automata Theory and Applications, Vol 9618 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p 295-306, 2016.
- Gabriel Istrate, Cosmin Bonchis, Partition into heapable sequences, heap tableaux and a multiset extension of Hammersley’s process. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9133, pp. 261-271. Springer Verlag, 2015.
- C. Bonchis, G. Istrate. Improved Approximation Algorithms for Low-Density Instances of the Minimum Entropy Set Cover Problem. Information Processing Letters, 114(7), p. 360–365, 2014.
- C. Bonchis, C. Izbasa, G. Ciobanu. Information theory over multisets, Computing and Informatics, Vol. 27, no. 3+ (2008), p. 441-451.
C. Bonchis, C. Izbasa, G. Ciobanu. Compositional asynchronous membrane systems, Progress in Natural Science vol.17(4), 411-416, 2007.