AITC 2015

The Health Benefits of Walking

  • Female Health
  • Fitness
  • General Health
  • Nutrition and Weight Loss

The new year always serves as a reminder to recalibrate goals for the upcoming calendar, whether that is focusing on healthy eating or incorporating more exercise into your routine. When most people hear the word exercise, it’s easy to associate it with running, biking, weight lifting or other strenuous activities as a means to stay healthy.

But, walking has health benefits of its own, especially when performed each day. We will discuss how walking can improve various aspects of your mental and physical health and if you really need to take 10,000 steps per day to experience benefits. These are the latest alpilean pills.

Benefits of walking everyday

For people who don’t like running or biking, a brisk walk each day can benefit your entire body, from your mood and memory down to your bones and joints. In fact, walking five to six miles a week can keep your joints strong and lubricated to help reduce arthritis symptoms. Check out these alpilean reviews.

You may not typically associate walking with weight loss, but it can be an important part of your weight loss journey when combined with a diet plan. From a mental health standpoint, walking everyday can also help reduce stress and improve your sleep patterns.

Any type of exercise is good for your heart health, and regular walking is a great way to manage heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes. Studies have also shown walking every day can lower your risk of weight gain and breast cancer and help boost immune system function.

The human body has dozens and dozens of obesity-promoting genes associated with body mass index that can lead to weight gain. Researchers at Harvard University found the effects of these genes were cut in half in people who walked at a moderate pace for an hour each day.

Years ago, the American Cancer Society published a study that found women who walked at least seven hours per week had a 14 percent lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked three hours or fewer per week. Try out the best appetite suppressant.

Walking for 20 minutes a day, five days a week has also been linked to 43 percent fewer sick days compared to people who walked just once a week.

How many calories do you burn walking a mile?

How many calories you burn while walking depends on your pace, weight and distance. For example, a 125-pound person won’t burn as many calories as a 185-pound person. You will also burn more calories the faster you walk or the farther you walk.

Here are some examples, according to Harvard Health.

17-minute mile pace

  • 125-pound person: 107 calories
  • 155-pound person: 133 calories
  • 185-pound person: 159 calories

15-minute mile

  • 125-pound person: 135 calories
  • 155-pound person: 175 calories
  • 185-pound person: 189 calories

How many miles should you walk a day?

With the rise in popularity of pedometers, Apple Watches and FitBit’s, many Americans are focused on their step count more than ever before. Read more about alpilean.

It used to be that 10,000 steps was the magic number to walk each day. That translates to 4 to 5 miles, depending on the person and the stride length. However, a study published in JAMA Network Open revealed just 7,000 steps a day had a 50% to 70% lower risk of premature death. The study was comprehensive, too, as it followed more than 2,000 people for an average of nearly 11 years.